Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I have to be a student at Allen ISD?
A: AECST -Allen Eagles Competitive Shooting Team is a club sport managed by the Allen ISD, and reserved for Allen ISD student athletes in grade levels 6th through 12th.
Q: Does my child need to have previous shooting experience?
A: No need to be an experienced shooter. Your child can join without having ever shot a gun before. Our coaching staff will teach them all they need to know. Private lessons are also available through out the year.
Q: What equipment is required?
A: A shotgun is required. This can be a semi-auto or over/under double barreled style. If you do not already have a gun, please do NOT purchase one before the first meeting. Coaches will discuss options and opportunities for discounts from local sponsors.
Q: Do I need to join ATA, NSCA, NSSA, or USAS?
A: When you join our team, you will you also sign up with SCTP (Scholastic Clay Target Program). This is required for you to be able to shoot with the team for practices, lessons, and/or competitions. You are not required by our team to join any other organizations.
Q: As a parent, do I have to join the AECST Booster Club?
A: AECST Booster Club membership is not mandatory. However, there are tremendous incentives for you to join—including, but not limited to qualifying for college scholarships for senior athletes, discounts on shooting equipment and supplies, and FREE FOOD! Please visit the BOOSTER CLUB page for a full list of benefits.
Letterman Jackets
Student must complete all basic safety rules and training. Be able to efficiently score, pull, and run a squad in all shotgun disciplines. Student must be on the varsity team and have shot at least 300 rounds in a one six week session in practice. Complete 300 competitive targets- 100 total targets in each discipline (trap, skeet, sporting clays)
AECST handbook/ bylaws located on under Booster club tab. And it’s the responsibility of the parent to purchase and make arrangements directly with Balfour Dallas. The AECST board isn’t responsible for ordering.
Balfour gives you x number of patches with the jacket as a package. Some are standard like the big A, then you pick the others you want. Tell them where you want the ones you bring with you to be placed on jacket. The Letter A on front left chest you have to ask for shooting sports (crossed guns) to be place on it. That is if you have completed the requirements in the AECST Handbook.
Here is their email information:
1111 Belt Line Rd #102, Garland, TX 75040
(972) 495-2440
2023-24 New Recruitment Presentations:
Presented - Aug. 16, 2023
The "Shotgun" Presentation - Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP):
The "Rifle & Pistol" Presentation - Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP):